October 02, 2014

.. feeling hipster-licious.

Don't hate on my post names! - Just because I do a little myself.. I'm so bad with them haha.
BUT here I am with another post, and I love this outfit <3 this hair, my glasses, my shoesssss.
I want to dedicate the post to these shoes, because they are amazing. They look amazing and I found them by "accident" at Paperbag, going around looking for pants(which are amazing and many). But I fell over these shoes and I fell in love, they are just so badass and colorful.. And I love colorful, loooove it.
And special mention .. is this hair <3 This amazing beautiful hair thats a gift from Little Bones. Nova really just treats us all with gifts all the time. If you havent yet, go join the group, get all the gifts in the back of the store and of course buy all her hairs.. Only way to.

Also.. BUZZERI MAINSTORE IS NOW OPEN AGAIN YAAAY. So take the taxi and shop the entire store and before you leave take LM so you can come back again and again and buy more things <3

But now on to the details!


Hair: little bones. Hurt (GROUP GIFT!)
Eyes: [Buzz] Voodoo Eyes - Siren
Top: :::candygirls::: Wrap Top: Red
Skirt: :FY: Jasmine Skirt (pack one)
Shoes: Paperbag. Riveted Wedge Floral

Facetattoo: NOX. Eira Circlet [Fatpack]
Sunglasses: Izzie's - 70's Sunglasses
Necklace: .Olive. Gold Bell Necklace (Group Gift)
Nosering: .Pekka. Zassy Piercing
Rings: .PANIK. Rings / Luck Of The Irish Gacha
Eyeliner: .Pekka. Metalic under eyeliner
Lipstick: NOX. Faded Lip [Purple&Blue] (Loud Mouth Applier)

Other details can be found in the "What I always wear"-tab.

And the song is for todays outfit is just awesome and hipster-ish(pls don't hate me for saying that) too so I wanted to play this now :D <333