I'm somewhat back you guys! I'm still slow and kinda bad at blogging. But I try my best <3 And I'm still not sure how to do my blogposts, I thought last post I finally found my way to do it but since I'm still bad with photoshop at the whole thing with compressed photos when I upload to blogger.. Its just a big mess :(
But I try.. I don't know how many more attempts I'm gonna have until I find the way I wanna do my posts so it can start looking like I'm a professional blogger :D
ps. I LOOOOVE this hair from pr!tty. Its my favorite hair and its hard for me to detach it. Been wearing it since I bought it. Alsooo just to let everyone know she got the new mainstore up and its so cute, SLURL in details. And there's 4 group gifts! So go there right now and get your pr!tty hairs.
But now I'll stop rambling and let you have the details to my simple yet perfect outfit - if you ask me :D
Hugs and huggless <33